Planning and Community Development Fee Notes


  1. Planning fees are waived for Large Family Daycare and Child Care Center.
  2. "Affordable Housing Projects" as defined by Zoning Ordinances are exempt.
  3. In the case of projects requiring multiple permit applications that may be approved by the same entity, the fee for the highest permit shall be charged, plus a multiple permit application for any additional concurrently processed applications. If multiple permits are required which cannot be approved by the same entity, or if an environmental review is required, the full fee for such applications shall be charged.
  4. Non-administrative permit extensions shall be charged 50% of the full application fee for the permit to be extended.
  5. Applications for ARB review of buildings, which include proposed signage and/or landscaping, shall be charged for the building review fee only. Should a sign adjustment be required, a multiple application fee shall be charged in addition to the building review fee; separate applications for signage and/or landscaping shall be charged the sign/landscaping review fee.
  6. A re-submittal for ARB approval of a design change shall be processed with no fee charged unless a building permit has been issued for the project, in which case the standard fee amounts shall be charged. A re-submittal, which includes signage changes that would trigger a requirement for a sign adjustment, shall be charged the sign adjustment fee.
  7. Application fee refunds for withdrawn projects shall be processed as follows:
    • application not yet deemed complete - 90% refund
    • application deemed complete -75% refund
    • determination or Planning Commission or other board report drafted - 50% refund;
    • determination issued, ZA hearing conducted, Planning Commission or other board report issued - 25% refund.
  8. All planning fees for Administrative Approval applications shall be waived for designated landmark structures and structures identified as contributing to designated historic districts until and unless revised by subsequent ordinance of the City Council.
  9. All Certificate of Appropriateness fees for any alteration, restoration, or construction, in whole or in part, to a designated landmark or to structures identified as contributing to a designated historic district shall be waived.
  10. Permit fees related to Downtown Santa Monica, Inc's (DTSM) delivery of contracted services are waived per Council approval dated July 12, 2016.
  11. If an application is filed to designate a property that is 40 years of age or older as a Landmark or Structure of Merit, while a demolition permit application is pending, the applicant for the Demolition Permit shall bear the actual costs of any historic consultant analyis and the applicable Landmark Designation or Structure of Merit application processing fee.   The application processing fee for Landmark Designation and Structure of Merit shall be waived for Landmarks Commissioners and nonprofit organizations with documented tax‐exempt status.